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LED Driver, DF14P1510MAMS456UBD4

Your Price: $99.99
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This new DF14P1510MAMS456UBD4 LED driver comes with one six pin pigtails connector and one wire adapter. So you can directly plug in into your LCD screens that list below. If your application require to adjust brightness during day and night. You also need a ADJ kit list below. 90 days warranty. Easy to install! Anyone can do it!
DF14P1510MAMS456UBD4 is compatible with the following Manufacturer's LCD Screen:
Manufacturer Size LCD Screen
NEC 6.5" NL6448BC20-21
NEC 6.5" NL6448BC20-21D
How to connect MS610UB to the existing inverter wire harness:
The easiest way would be when VIN (+12V) is short to ENA (CN1 connector, as shown above, +12V DC Supply voltage). Just simply apply VIN (Red wire, 12V – 24V DC) and GND (Black) to MS610UB. Note: Most of 10.4” NEC inverters do not have ENA. For an example: NEC inverter 104PWBR1does not have ENA.
For +24V DC supply voltage, after shorted VIN(+24V ) to ENA, you do need to add a resistor (between 2K to 3K) on top of C4 as shown above
However, in most of case, you do need to connect “ENA” to turn LED backlight On/Off because 12V DC is always present at VIN, even when unit has powered off. Pin out are printed on MS610UB as shown on first photo above.

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