Brand new MS150R43LEDX2DF1420D1 comes with 90 days warranty.
This brand new MS150R43LEDX2DF1420D1 is a direct replacement for
the LCD screens that listed below. Simply swap out your defective LCD screen with MS150R43LEDX2DF1420D1, you now have a
sunlight readable Monitor. MS150R43LEDX2DF1420D1 is designed to be used on outdoor environment. With our proprietary LED upgrade kit installed, It is so
bright that the contents on display visible under strong sunlight. It is easy to install! No technical skills require! Anyone can do it!
MS150R43LEDX2DF1420D1 has a much wider viewing angle and faster response time then your old LCD screen. MS150R43LEDX2DF1420D1 has the same interface connector, dimension
and screw hole as the LCD screens that listed below. The only thing that you need to is connecting MS456UB driver to the existing inverter wire harness. Tech support is available by contact us during our normal business. Our tech will
walk you through. However, you can also send us an email to
[email protected] (Please be sure to send us few images about your inverter)