NEC NL6448AC30-06 is a very old LCD screen that is discontinued (obsolete). However, NEC NL6448AC30-06 is still available on the worldwide web. The condition of Fanuc NEC NL6448AC30-06 varies widely. Such as are listed as new, good, used and refurbished. Unfortunately, because of its age. NEC NL6448AC30-06 is NOT RELIABLE at all. NEC NL6448AC30-06 will cause all kinds of problems in a short time period after replacement.
By analyzing the failure of old NEC NL6448AC30-06, our engineers had come up with a better solution. Which is a much more dependable replacement for NEC NL6448AC30-06 (Part Number is
MS094RUBILZ34D1). We ship worldwide.
Installation takes about 15 minutes! Just simply swap out with your defect LCD screen.. Now you have a sunlight readable LCD display. Easy to install, anyone can do it! 1 Year warranty .
General Specifications:
Item |
Unit |
Specifications |
Screen Size |
[inch] |
9.4 |
Native Resolution |
640 X 480 |
Active Area |
[mm] |
192.0 X 144.0 |
Outline dimension |
[mm] |
259.5(W) X
179.0(H) x 12.5(D) |
Bolt Hole Dimension |
[mm] |
142.0 X 142.0 |
Input Voltage VDD |
[Volt] |
5V |
Screen Wire Harness |
N/A |
Electrical Interface |
TTL (4=bit) |
White Luminance |
[cd/m2] |
90 |
Contrast Ratio |
110:1 |
BackLight Connector
N/A |
Backlight Inverter
HBL015 |
Response time,
Rising |
msec |
N/A |
Response time,
Falling |
msec |
40 |
Viewing Angle - Horizontal |
degree |
45 |
Viewing Angle - Vertical
degree |
30 |