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Posted by Benson on 7/17/2017 to Inverter Pinout
Hitachi VNR12C285-INV, INVC591 is no longer available (Obsoleted). One of the most popular back light inverter that uses in 12.1 inch Toshiba LTM12C285 LCD screen. We do have a new substitute available; it has the same connectors as NRV12C285-INV, INVC591. The dimension is a bit shorter the original inverter. Replacement inverter is listed below. 

However, I do recommend that you upgrading to our UB54 series LED kit. Our LED upgrade kit included two UB54 series LED strips, one LED driver (MSMS456UB) and one wire adapter that allow you to connect VNR12C285-INV inverter’s wire harness directly to our LED driver. It is easy to install, no technical skill require, no soldering require, anyone can do it! LED has a longer lifespan, typically lasting over 100,000 hours (last 10X longer than CCFL). Being solid state devices, LED will perform exactly as when they were manufactured as opposed to CCFL which loose light output continuously over their life – up to 50%.

LED Upgrade kit for Hitachi VNR12C285-INV inverter is listed below,
12 pin 1.25mm Molex connector
P9/P10=ADJ connecto 10K resistor in between P9 and P10

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